4 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi

The Last Part-Analysis

After I finally managed to finish my book, I decided to take 'a day off'.I wanted to sit back and think about how can I make an analysis.

First of all I should say that, I don't take 'Holes' as a children's novel.I think, it is a novel which can be read by all people.

In order to make it look like an analysis, I must say that the most impressing part for me is the description of the wild animals which is on the first page of the book.When I read this part, I told myself 'What kind of book is this?'.Then I realized that it is a part of the plot.The book is actually tells more about the place 'Camp Green Lake' than telling us a story.It tells how was that place in the past and how it looks like now.The author combined the past and the present with the characters who are related to each other.The story of the past is given in between, so it draws more attention.The information we learned from the past, is used to fill in the gaps in the present.That is a really good technique to make people read actively.

As I mentioned in my former posts, Stanley and Zero represents Elya and Madame.It was easy to estimate that the so-called curse will be broken, when Stanley carries Zero up the mountain.But I must say that the construction is done well, even I couldn't find any inconsistency.

Once and for all, my message by writing this blog is to encourage everyone to read this book, because it is the best book which is given as a holdiay homework.

288 Words

3 Şubat 2012 Cuma

Character Analysis/ Stanley and Zero

'You know why his name's Zero?' asked Mr.Pendanski while he was introducing kids to Stanley.Even he called him 'Zero'.That's how they first met, Zero and Stanley.He is so naive that he stays quiet when everyone says that he is dumb.He is not only naive, but also the smallest in group D.When the first time I get to know Stanley and Zero, I've never thought that they will be best friends.Maybe because of the huge size difference between them, maybe I found Zero so quiet that I've never thought he will be effective in the book.

The first real conversation between Stanley and Zero is about the Clyde Livingston's shoes.The shoes which were actually stolen by Zero but caused Stanley to visit the camp.This fact is really ironic to me and I always kept asking myself what would Stanley do if he had found out the truth before he made good friends with Zero.How would he react?Would he blame Zero and hate him because he caused Stanley to go to the camp?But I won't be able to find answers to these questions, because our story goes in a different way.

The Deal
At the beginning I always found Zero behind Stanley's shoulder trying to read the letters from his mother.When I put myself in Stanley's place, I thought that that would annoy me a lot.I know that being that curious isn't a good characteristic.But when I learned that Zero doesn't know how to read and write, I felt sorry for him and I understood that I had wrong thoughts.These parts with the letters are actually really important, because Zero wanted Stanley to teach him to read, after Stanley also complained about him reading over his shoulder.Although Stanley said 'I don't know how to teach.' , he decided to teach him after he found out that Zero helped him with the hole on the day that he was at Warden's.Zero also said 'You didn't steal the sneakers.'When I read these conversations again and again, I realized that Zero was trying to confess the truth earlier in the book.

After a while, the relationship between Zero and Stanley was converted from teacher and student to best friends.Stanley and Zero are both altruistic, that's why they always protected themselves against the Warden.That's why Zero ran away and that's way Stanley went after him.

The time that they spent together alone strenghtened their friendship.Stanley carrying Zero and helping him to survive, are the most emotional moments of the book.Zero also told Stanley what happened with Clyde Livingston's shoes and said 'If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, thein neither of us would be here right now.'

At the end of the book I realized that the frienship between them actually represents the friendship between Elya Yelnats and Madame Zeroni.

Someone also combined their names and found the name Zanley.They made a slideshow playing at the background 'Pink-Who Knew?'

500 Words

2 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Development / Prediction

I've been waiting for this entry since I read the help list for our reading journal assignment.Development and Prediction is the most interesting categorie for me.Then I've thought that I should wait, till I read the most stunning part of the book.Now the time is come.

I've just finished with the 30th chapter today and things started to get interesting:

As we know Zero has been digging for Stanley for a while due to their deal.As soon as the other kids found this out, Stanley and Zero have to tolerate it to be made fun of.At one point they crossed the line and started to fight.After that the Warden also heard about the deal.During the conversation between the kids and the Warden, Zero couldn't tolerate it anymore and smashed a shovel across Mr.Pendanski's face.Then he ran away from the camp without being shot, because they all know that he'll be back for water.

Now I'm going to guess what's going to happen next:

I don't think that Zero will be back for water, because he made a choice and even if he will going to die, he won't want to see Mr.Pendanski after hitting him with a shovel.But I'm also sure that he won't survive if he doesn't come back.I also think that Stanley will be worried and feel guilty, so he'll try to help Zero.Despite of the fight Stanley will need the other boys in group D too.Perhaps they’ll dig a huge hole where Stanley found the gold tube and try to find the stuff, the Warden is looking for.It should be some jewelery that will worth a lot.Then the kids will use this against the Warden.If they will be able to convince her to look for Zero, then they’ll get the water truck and start searching.They should also speak with Mr.Pendanski in order to keep Zero away from trouble.They will find him near the camp.On his way back he fainted because of thirst. After the kids come back, they will find something different to do in the camp because they won’t be digging holes.They found what the Warden was looking for.At the and maybe it will rain for the first time after a hundred years.

382 Words

1 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

Personal Connection / X-Ray vs. Stanley

While Stanley was digging his second hole in 'the lake', he found a fossil of a fish, which probably used to live in the lake.He found it interesting and he thought, if the Warden finds it interesting, he'll get a day off.That's what he was told on the very first day at the camp.Before Mr. Pendanski filled his canteen with water showed Stanley the fossil to him hoping to get a day off.Actually he sounded really pathetic to me in this scene.He was very demotivated after he learned that the Warden isn't interested in fossils.But the actual thing I want to write about today is the deal between X-Ray(Rex) and Caveman.To summarize, X-Ray told Caveman to give the things that he finds while digging, because X-Ray is the one who has been at the camp for almost a year and he should be the one who gets a day off.Our newbie agrees this deal in order to avoid a disagreement with X-Ray.For him, it is more important to make good impressions instead of getting a day off.

Until I read this conversation, I was considering X-Ray as the future best friend of Stanley.But now I realized that X-Ray cares more about his benefits than getting along with the other kids.That was kind of disturbing for me to make a false guess about him, because I mentioned about the honest friendship in my first entry.I can't blame Stanley because of his behaviour.I know that in prison(I also know that Camp Green Lake is not a prison.) you need to be compatible to survive.But considering the camp, he should be more aggressive and politic in order to protect his rights.

If I was Stanley, I would react way differently than the real Stanley.As we know, the Caveman is the newest but the biggest member of the group D.However X-Ray is the smallest, he is like in charge of them.At camp experience is more important but I think that I would try to pull the wires, at least I would want to be paid attention.To achieve this authority he should watch his back and keep his relationships good with other members.That's how he can survive the camp time without suffering.

385 Words