31 Ocak 2012 Salı

First Impressions

After I read few pages of the novel ‘Holes’ I decided to write my first expressions.
In this entry I’m going to give some general information of the book and my impressions for the first few chapters.

To begin with I want to say that I’ve found the theme interesting since my friends told me about the book.I don’t know much about what is going to happen but I know their impressions.

In the first chapters we learn about the facility, Camp Gren Lake, which is a camp for ‘bad boys’.The main character Stanley Yelnats choose the camp instead of prison without knowing what he will be supposed to do in the camp, when he asked by the judge.During his adaptation period he made friends, learned how to dig a hole and how to live without his family.Stanley is a fat boy so it is harder him to dig.Because of the hard shovel and the hot wheather he suffered a lot.The most interesting thing for me is the relationship between these ‘bad boys’.However they are at the camp for commiting a crime, they have a honest friendship.They all laughed when Stanley said ‘I stole a pair of sneakers.’Because their crimes are a lot worse.He also got his nick name ‘Caveman’ , which shows us that the adaptation period is over.

The funniest part I’ve read is the discussions about which hole is the hardest.
Well, the first hole’s the hardest.
The second hole is a lot harder…
The third hole is the hardest.  
The only 2 questions I have for these chapters is : Why do they make boys dig holes?Is it really to make them better people?
I guess there is more than I know.Especially after Stanley found the gold tube I developped some thoughts.

305 Words